Uniting Church Dayboro - Getting Married?

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A wedding is a time of celebration and joy and we try to make your special day just that. We are licensed to conduct Christian weddings using the rites of the UCA. Our church only accepts bookings for Christian weddings. You may have your own minister conduct the ceremony using the rites of your denomination provided he/she is registered as a religious celebrant. Details need to be provided.

We recommend that you complete a relationship program. We suggest PREPARE/ENRICH which you can find online. Our minister may be prepared to discuss your program results with you.
The Service
Please look through the service outline, which we will provide at a pre-marriage interview. You may have one scripture reading and an additional and appropriate reading (e.g. a poem) approved by the minister or simply have one or more Christian Bible readings. You may have other inclusions in the service if they are approved by the minister.

Venue and Fees
Dayboro Uniting Church seats up to 100 people & is fully air conditioned.
The fee for non-attendants is available on application.
An invoice will be issued with details of the fees and deposit.
Final payment for the chapel and or hall should be completed one month prior to the ceremony.(The fee does not include the celebrant, any musician, flowers or other special requests which remain your responsibility to organise.)

We are licensed to conduct Christian weddings using the rites of the UCA.
Uniting Church policy dictates that only bookings for weddings officiated by a registered Minister of Religion can be accepted.
You may request to have your own minister conduct the ceremony using the rites of your denomination provided they are registered as a religious celebrant (details need to be provided and confirmed and are subject to Church Council approval).

The Minister's Fee
The Minister’s fees for the service are negotiated separately.
The minister’s fee is determined by the minister conducting the service and covers the cost of the interview, all preparation and lodging of documents, rehearsal and travel.
Payment to the minister should be completed one month prior to the wedding.
Ceremonies off site can be negotiated with the Minister.

The Scripture Readings
One or more passages of Scripture shall be read. The following or other readings are appropriate:
New Testament
      1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and 13 Love is patient and kind...(The most popular)
      Ephesians 3:14-21 The Father from whom every family is named...
      Colossians 3:12-17 Love which binds everything together...
      1 John 4:7-16 Let us love one another for love is of God...

Old Testament
      Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 8:6-7 Many waters cannot quench love...
      Psalm 128 Happy are they who fear the Lord...

The Music and Songs
You may hire your own musician/s. It is not recommended that songs/hymns be sung unless the gathering is made up of regular singers or worshippers. Music can be played off a device through the sound system. It is needed for (i) prior to the arrival of bridal party (ii) entry of bride (iii) signing of registers and (iv) exit procession. We do offer you the freedom to select the music, however, the minister has the right of refusal if he/she feels the music may be inappropriate for a church setting.

The Rehearsal
In the days just before the wedding a rehearsal should be conducted at the venue. The entire bridal party (including anyone escorting the bride into the church) should attend with the bride and groom. Booking is essential and no extra fee is charged. At this time a further government declaration is signed.

Please bring your birth certificate or passport to the initial interview plus other photographic proof of identity – ideally your driver licence or proof of age card.
If you have been legally married previously you will need to be able to provide the official evidence of divorce or your spouse’s death.
You will also need the details of parents' full names and countries of birth.
The Notice of Intention to Marry is to be completed no less than one month before the wedding.

Pastor Dan Nugent:
Mobile 0438 542 703
Click here to email Pastor Nugent